Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I got another "closure" call a few days ago. I'm actually not going to bitch about this one. It was actually a good call. The girl is one of the best girls I've ever dated. She was brilliant, fun, loyal, beautiful, easy-going, etc. etc.

So what happened? I got bored. Actually, maybe I just got scared. I wasn't that far out of marriage when we met, so that was probably a factor too. She lived a couple hours away, which was perfect in some ways - bad in others. Things were great until they started moving out of the "honeymoon" period and into the "comfortable" period. I just wasn't ready. That's the bottom line.

A few months ago, I called her to check in and see how she's doing. She didn't answer, but called back a few days later and I didn't answer. Then, a few days later I called her - she answered and was with her new boyfriend. We had a great conversation at the time, which apparently her new guy was a little miffed and threatened by. I can understand - especially because she had previously referred to me as the "love of her life" to him. She sounded happy though, and that's all I want for her because she's a great girl.

The closure call, she said, was more for him than her. She said that she had come to terms with things between us over time and that at this point, it wasn't really an issue. However, the new guy has been having issues with it and she was calling, more out of respect for him - to tell me that she was "over" me. I really don't mind this - provided it makes their relationship better, but I'm really not sure of the point. I mean, it wasn't like she was saying she didn't want to talk to me ever again - quite the contrary actually. In fact, she is making me some CDs to help recover some that I lost in the move to SD.

I'm not a jealous person, but I guess I could understand things in this case. I do, however, believe that especially in our day and age when people aren't getting hitched until later in life - that you have to be more tolerant that people will often stay friends after they realize that they aren't so good as a couple.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Is anyone working today? No - I don't mean AT work, because lots of us are. I mean actually WORKING. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

I'm attempting to get some things done, but its not happening. I'm much more concerned with how I'm going to pull off cooking for 20+ people tomorrow. Lots of the prep will come tonight, before I go out and drink for the first time in 5 days. I still can't decide on a salad dressing - I want to do a balsamic viniagrette, but a rasberry viniagrette is sounding really good too. This all sounds really ridiculous because I don't stress about little shit like this. Its not me. Maybe its just because I have nothing else of any importance to worry about right now. Shit.

So anyhow, I gave my assistant the day off today - it was an option: She could come to work and get paid, or she could take the day without pay but also without it counting toward her vacation time. She took option B, which is just as well. People aren't productive on days before holidays - its just a given. When I worked for other people, I always thought that everyone should be given this option. Now that I can call the shots, thats just the way it is. She's getting paid for tomorrow and Thursday though. Because thats also just the way it is.

Thats all I got. Have a great long weekend!

Monday, November 21, 2005


Overall, I think we have a pretty good relationship. As with any relationship, there are a couple of issues, but I'm not bitching. Really, I'm not.

You never bitch at me or complain about messes I make when I'm drunk.

You know what to expect from me and what I expect from you.

Sometimes you don't fullfill those expectations to the best of your ability, but I don't complain because nobody is perfect and I can be a little picky. Also, I'm not perfect and usually am the originator of the problem itself.

You confuse me with what I think might be "silent protests". You know what I'm talking about - when you "put away" something of mine, but its not in its proper spot and nowhere to be found and I spend hours, sometimes weeks or months trying to find it and you've known where it is the whole time. Or when you replace things in a slightly different spot, so that it takes extra effort for me to realize the new place, even if its still visible from its usual place. Is this on purpose?

I really like how you keep secrets though. You never say a word about anything you know of my private life. Things that nobody else needs to know about. In you, I have such confidence.

I like that we don't see each other everyday or that there is never a jealousy factor. You know I have other people that fullfill other needs I might have and that you too, have other people you see.

In fact, I'm glad we've never actually seen each other because I'm not sure I would feel comfortable with looking at you, knowing that you know so much about me.

But I love you just the same, Cleaning Lady. For you make my life so much easier and stress free and I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving.



PS, I finally found the Digital Camcorder that you put in the bottom drawer underneath the old clothes. You know, the one I gently accused party go-ers at the house of "borrowing" 3 months ago. Thanks for your help on that!

Friday, November 18, 2005


Its been a while since I've done one of these and Melissa's inspired me to kill some (more) time....

Your Birthdate: May 28

You have a Type A personality so big it makes other Type A's shrink away in shame.
You never shy away from adversity - and you love to tackle impossible problems.
Failure is not an option for you, and more than a few people are put off by your ego.
You tend to be controlling, and you hate leaving anything up to chance.

Your strength: Your bold approach to life

Your weakness: You don't accept help

Your power color: Bronze

Your power symbol: Pyramid

Your power month: October

What's up with that? I saw hers and thought I should expect a little dose of daily affirmation. Instead, I get in-your-face reality check.

So, I'm not sure what to do here. Admittance? Acceptance? Denial?

I'm going with Deny, Deny, Deny.

ps. can someone explain to me what a "power month" is????

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


When I was in second grade and I saw a pretty girl, the prettier she was the more difficult it was for me to come up with something to talk to her about.

In my silence, the best I could do was shoot her a crosseyed goofy look on my face.

She'd laugh.

I'd get laid.

All was good.

Okay, maybe I didn't get laid - it was only second grade for crissakes!

This type of behavior on my part hasn't changed dramatically.

However, what did change eventually is the success rate. It was a sliding scale gradually becoming less effective over the last decade or so, where this radical change happens between men and women. I'm not exactly sure at what point it all happens - and it varies with each person- but typically the "shift" happens for people between 20 and 22.

Before this shift, Girls are smart about everything EXCEPT boys. Conversely, Boys are smart about NOTHING but girls. Then the rolls get really jumbled and as girls get smarter about boys, boys get dumber and more clueless with girls. As this happens and boys get smarter about other things, this makes them more nerdy- which for many girls who are now smarter about boys, isn't as appealing. For the really smart girls, this is appealing but the field became so wide that they have lots of guys to choose from.

My dad says that it was much easier to successfully meet girls (and have "relations") in 1968 than it was in 1981 (the year before he met my mom and the year I learned what divorce meant, respectively). I laughed and explained my above theory.

I told him that he shouldn't feel so alone- I've now joined his ranks.

If you are a girl and see a guy shoot you a goofy crosseyed look on his face, you should laugh and go talk to him because chances are he's a really nice guy. And he thinks you're cute. And it might be me.

Monday, November 14, 2005


Finally someone is not about ridiculous law suits and accepts the fact that sometimes shit happens.

Read here.

Friday, November 11, 2005


As I get older, I'm finding unwanted hair in unwanted places. This is not good.

But I'm not going to worry about it too much, because I'M GOING TO SEE THE ROLLING STONES TONIGHT!!!!

Talk about getting old! Keith Richards has to be at least 125.

(told you it was short)

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Not being the religous type, I often shy away from reading anything that has undertones of "moral superiority" by faith.

However, THIS ARTICLE caught my eye - and I'm confident I won't have to explain exactly why.

It was refreshing though, to see a well rounded philosophy offering a possible solution/explaination to some of the issues that kids face today, albeit he is clergy so he does use God as a base. For and "old" guy, the writer seems fairly in touch with these issues.

As a caveat, I will say that as a teen, I was on the giving side (with girls, of course!) as much if not more than the recieving side.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I just finished reading another book in the wee hours of this morning. A long book. A good book.

Problem is - and I find this more often than not - that I felt like the ending left so many unanswered questions. Sure, the answers may be irrelevant to the central them of the story, but I feel left with issues unresolved.

I'm sure many people don't mind the hanging questions, maybe even actually like it.

I think I'm going to start writing my own continuation to the endings of books. That way, I'll feel like there is total closure and resolution.

In the past, you've heard me rant about how women always seem to want closure on relationships. Maybe the way I feel about the book is the way they feel about the relationship.

Interesting twist of irony.

I was thinking of starting Don Quixote, but going from long book to long book might not be a good idea. Maybe I should read a short book first. A rebound book.

Monday, November 07, 2005



If you hadn't read about the peril in France, I'll roughly sum it up for the sake of short discussion. Two immigrant kids from the slums thought they might be getting chased by the police. They hid. They were electrocuted by a transformer while hiding. The people get mad. They say everyone neglects the poor and impoverished youths. They start rioting and looting.

Am I the only one who thinks there are some serious flaws with this whole scenario?

There are so many personal responsibility issues on so many levels related to this circus.

The French think we are messed up?

Like I said - Short discussion.

Friday, November 04, 2005


Ha!!!! Its a good day.

One of my clients just gave me tickets to the Rolling Stones concert next weekend. I'm not a huge concert buff, mostly because I'm not thrilled about commercial music these days - I mean, I feel like big label companies totally dictate what the public likes in music. There is so much more out there. However, the Stones and U2 are two acts I've not yet seen, but would like to. Both bands have gained popularity because they produce good music and have stayed true to it. So as of next Saturday, I'll get to cross one off the list!

The best part........ I didn't have to pay for the tickets, which are selling on the street for around $1000.00!!!!!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I have tons of marketing crap to create and I've not a creative bone in my body today. Must be the post-party depression kicking in from the weekend.

I need help.