Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I can't believe it's been a month already since my last post! Where did October go?

Thanks for all your great comments in the last one and the great positive encouragement.

Not much has changed, unfortunately. And to be completely honest, I've spent most of the last few weeks just trying to pull myself out of depression. Why depressed? I'd like to say that the funk has a lot to do with the girl - but in all honesty, it's the other things in my life that I'm unhappy with which make working on/toward a strong relationship a struggle. Perhaps I've focused too much on it and neglected focusing on the core problems in my life.

My dad came to visit over the weekend, which I had really been looking forward to for about a month. It was great having him here and great having the chance to discuss my life's challenges with someone who provides unconditional love, encouragement and advice without an agenda.

I feel a bit more focused now and I'm looking forward to finally feeling back to normal again. Whewww! I don't think I've felt so down about life in over a decade! Enough of that! Not fun!!

Thanks again for sticking around here everyone!