Friday, August 12, 2005


I just bought the soundtrack to Friday Night Lights. If you haven't read the book or seen the movie. You should. Both are pretty good. I read the book several years ago when I discovered how truely big high school football is in the state of Texas. When I saw the movie not too long ago I was able to say that it was one of the few times that the movie was as good or better than the book. Maybe because its real life and the book gets into superfluous details that the movie doesn't.

The soundtrack is very soothing. Its good to listen for working, reading, chilling. I'm sure its good for makin' some luv too, but I haven't tried that out yet. I just got it today for cryin' out loud, give me a break!!

Anyhow, about the reading. I've read 5 books this month, all of them newer, best seller types. I had an epiphany that I'm not reading enough of the classics, so I've pledged to read 3 classics in a row. I just started The Fountianhead by Ayn Rand and will start Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes after that. I'm not sure what the 3rd will be. Any suggestions??

I have no idea where I find the time to read. I guess I don't sleep much - don't require it.

I know, I'm a nerd.